Friday, August 7, 2015


Harmony is the essence of Tagore's view of the world.. He has perceived harmony in the , "..marvellous quality of complex inter-relationships maintaining a perfect co-ordination of functions." This concept of harmony can be defined as a process of continuous synchronization among the different aspects of the natural world.
"The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the
world and dances in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of
grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.
It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in
The natural world is in a constant flux, a ceaseless change, like the movement of the waves, where appearance of the one leads to the disappearance of the other, rising and falling in a continuous rhythm.
This cyclic process the Brahmanda Purana mentioned in its theory of creation as 'Sarga or primary creation and pratisarga .which includes dissolution and recreation.
Interestingly the harmony found in the natural world seems to have been permeated in the human thought process or how else can one explain the Stoic 'apocatastasis' so similar to the Puranic cosmology!it explained the universe as a living being, which was born, lived its allotted span of time and died only to reproduce itself? The Stoic s believed that the universe was animated by vital breath that burned through its entire extant vibrating all its parts that were interconnected.
"This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been is, and will be -- an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures" commented Heraclitus the Greek philosopher and Tagore expressed all these philosophical findings by saying
আছে দুঃখ, আছে মৃত্যু, বিরহদহন লাগে।
তবুও শান্তি, তবু আনন্দ, তবু অনন্ত জাগে ॥
তবু প্রাণ নিত্যধারা, হাসে সূর্য চন্দ্র তারা,
বসন্ত নিকুঞ্জে আসে বিচিত্র রাগে ॥
তরঙ্গ মিলায়ে যায় তরঙ্গ উঠে,
কুসুম ঝরিয়া পড়ে কুসুম ফুটে।
নাহি ক্ষয়, নাহি শেষ, নাহি নাহি দৈন্যলেশ--
সেই পূর্ণতার পায়ে মন স্থান মাগে ॥
Aachhe dukhyo, aachhe mrityu, birohdahan laage
Tabuo shanti, tabuo aananda, tabuo ananta jaage
Tahu pran nityodhara, hase suryo chandra tara,
Basanta nikunje aase bichitra rage
Taranga milaye jaay taranga uthe,
Kusum jharia pare kusum phute
Nahi kshay, nahi shesh, nahi nahi dainyaleshe
Sei purnatar paye man sthan mage
"There is sorrow, death there is:
There is the pang of separation
Yet is there peace,
There is joy,
There is the call of the infinite within:
there is within us the eternal flow of life,
the radiant beaming sun,the smiling moon and stars
Yet spring, arrives at our doorstep\
bringing to bowers,
a wondrous spray of shades and colours.
As the tide falls so also the tide rises
When a flower droops and falls another blooms...
There is neither loss nor an end, no, not even weariness
At that altar of abundance, my heart seeks its abode.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore
some fleeting thoughts

By ‘God’ I mean a being absolutely infinite–that is, a substance consisting in infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality."This is how Spinoza expressed his idea of God in the Ethics, part 1 definition 6. Rabindranath experienced the existence of God in Nature. Stuart hampshire explained Spinoza's definition of God as the single substance, which is identified with Nature conceived as a whole ..." Rabindranath in a poem also made explicit that he is the sky and the nest as well.."THOU ART THE sky and thou art the nest as well.
0 thou beautiful, there in the nest it is thy love that encloses the soul with colours and sounds and odours.
There comes the morning with the golden basket in her right hand bearing the wreath of beauty, silently to crown the earth.
And there comes the evening over the lonely meadows deserted by herds, through trackless paths, carrying cool draughts of peace in her golden pitcher from the western ocean of rest.
But there, where spreads the infinite sky for the soul to take her flight in, reigns the stainless white radiance. There is no day nor night, nor form nor colour, and never, never a word"
.একাধারে তুমিই আকাশ, তুমি নীড়।
হে সুন্দর, নীড়ে তব প্রেম সুনিবিড়
প্রতি ক্ষণে নানা বর্ণে নানা গন্ধে গীতে
মুগ্ধ প্রাণ বেষ্টন করেছে চারি ভিতে।
সেথা ঊষা ডান হাতে ধরি স্বর্ণথালা
নিয়ে আসে একখানি মাধুর্যের মালা
নীরবে পরায়ে দিতে ধরার ললাটে;
সন্ধ্যা আসে নম্রমুখে ধেনুশূন্য মাঠে
চিহ্নহীন পথ দিয়ে লয়ে স্বর্ণঝারি
পশ্চিমসমুদ্র হতে ভরি শান্তিবারি।
তুমি যেথা আমাদের আত্মার আকাশ,
অপার সঞ্চারক্ষেত্র, সেথা শুভ্র ভাস;
দিন নাই, রাত নাই, নাই জনপ্রাণী,
বর্ণ নাই, গন্ধ নাই--নাই নাই বাণী। নৈবেদ্য > ৮১

rita-skybird: Hello World

rita-skybird: Hello World

rita-skybird: Hello World

rita-skybird: Hello World: Hello World JULY 24, 2015 / MYSKYBIRD / EDIT Hello World Just landed here! A beautiful blue sky above me and an emerald green rain washed...

Hello World

Hello World JULY 24, 2015 / MYSKYBIRD / EDIT Hello World Just landed here! A beautiful blue sky above me and an emerald green rain washed lush carpet of soft grass below, a fragrant wisp of wind touching my hair -is this the world where we all belong? From where did this wonderfully arranged perfectly tuned intricately designed, harmoniously coordinated evolve? Who made this world for us to enjoy its fruits and flowers, its rivers and seas, the abundance of nature? ‘Creation’ is a subject that has always left us pondering. As many as there are languages, faiths and beliefs there are theories of creation, leaving aside the Big Bang. I would love to share some of the views on creation which I have gathered during my journey and may be get some more from you. It will be a story telling session rummaging through nooks and corners of customs and traditions which embellish human thought and imagination.

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